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· Company · Business History

Business History

Over the years, we have built a solid track record in implementing sustainability measures on high impact businesses.


Over the years, we have built a solid track record in implementing sustainability measures on high impact businesses.


AI-integrated energy efficiency data processing for industrial complexes

Awarded "Electric vehicle data platform R&D" Grant (GIS data analysis, Korea Institute of Electronics Technology)

Developed GIS-integrated electric vehicle (EV) charging station data processing tool

Conducted proof-of-concept (POC) of Virtual Power Plant (VPP)-based industrial complex energy sharing network

Awarded the contract for ADT Caps' Work Force Management

Developed AI-based CCTV object detection annotation

Conducted power-based analysis of vitalization of industrial complexes

Processed radio-based weather prediction data


Awarded the grant for "New Business Model Generation R&D" using Electricity Big Data
(GIS Energy Map, administered by ETRI)


TMAP Traffic Big Data Provision Contract for E-Commerce Logistics Optimization with Emart


Thingspire incorporated


Gained B Corp Certification

Signed MOU with Minespider for future collaborations on digital tracking projects

Signed MOU with Voltalis for future collaborations on implying Demand & Response with power demand management in buildings and carbon accounting

Signed MOU with KCCTS for future collaborations on carbon accounting and emissions reduction project

Signed MOU with KCCTS for future collaborations on carbon accounting and emissions reduction project


Won the bid by participating in HD Hyundai Electric Consortium to build Smart Energy Platform (CEMS)

Gwangju Greenhouse Gas Target Management System and Simulated Emission Trading System R&D

Started Study for ‘EEIO-based Scope 3 emission factor refinement and alignment within Korean standard industrial categories’ with KAIST

Attended ENLIT Europe 2023 as an exhibitor

Signed MOU with Maxerve for building energy management and carbon accounting

Gained Certifications of ISO 27001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 9001

직무발명 보상우수 기업인증 획득

서울형 강소기업 선정

Establishment of Buhmwoo Group FEMS - Smart Ecological Factory ICT infrastructure

Development of CarbonNote, the carbon emissions tracking service within industrial sites of HD Hyundai Electric


Nationally designated as an AI-integrated energy optimization management company for 3 consecutive years

Awarded the grant for "AI Voucher" distinction as a company

Won the bid for Energy Self-sufficient Infrastructure Construction project

AI-based tourist situation recognition and tourism information curation: Development of customized tourism itinerary recommendation platform

Development of DERMS (Distributed Resource Management System) power plant monitoring and operation management system

AI 바우처 우수기업 선정

pgraded Industrial Complex Energy Management Platform(CEMS) by adding new development of 8 major services

Development of Industrial complex energy management system (Complex EMS) mobile / web app

Alternative development of SK Shieldus personal information collection record security solution


GIS 기반 물류택배 시간 예측 AI 개발

제조 공정 불량 예측 AI 개발

SK Broadband TMAP route-based new installation optimization

SK Shieldus TMAP-based Work Force Optimization

Nationally designated as an AI-integrated energy optimization management company

Developed blade anomaly detection algorithm based on drone image

Modular mobile hydrogen production/storage/supply and integrated analysis of power supply, system development

RE100 대응 소규모 탄소배출권 수용성연구

Awarded the smart industrial complex energy self-sufficiency infrastructure construction project

병역특례기업 선정


Awarded the contract for "Energy-IoT Big Data Center" SK Broadband Network

Management System Development and Operation TMAP Network Management

System Development Developed GIS-based Electricity Big Data Analysis

Software Conducted "Analysis of Frequent Traffic Violation Area" based on driving records Insider Behavioral Risk Detection Algorithm Development

내부자행동 위험 탐지 알고리즘

벤처기업 인정


Network Management System Development Project for SK

Broadband Big Data/AI-based Energy Savings R&D

Consulting for Smart Factories Smart Biofarm Platform R&D


Mega City Future Transportation Planning Committee (Jan 2015 - Jul 2016 | Ministry of Science and ICT): Provided consultation on designing the prediction algorithm for Transportation Big Data Center Failure.

Consultation on Big Data Visualization (KT All in Home)

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